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Risk Factors and

Risk Factors

Risks Factors Include Age, Race/Ethnicity, Family History, Genes, Diet, Obesity and Chemical Exposure (Agent Orange).

Reduce Your Risk (Cancer & Recurrence)

Limit Animal Fats (especially meat rich in omega-6,
grilled & fried food)

  • Increase Fiber/Lycopene (Tomato, Cauliflower) Intake
  • Add Omega-3 Fatty Fish (Salmon, Sardines, Herring)
  • Avoid too much Calcium
  • Check Vitamin D3 Level (add supplements)
  • Exercise, 4-5 times a week

Check with your doctor/nutritionist!

Risk Calculator

 risk calculator  by UT Health San Antonio is offered to calculate the probability of having prostate cancer after a PSA test.


Prevention of prostate cancer is strongly related to living healthy. Prostate cancer cannot be be prevented, but you can lower your chances of getting the disease – and of lowering your risk of recurrence once you were treated.

Just as treatment options undergo constant refinements, the knowledge on risk factors and prevention is evolving as well. Data are based on years of studies or trials and will, subsequently, be occasionally revised.

Prostate Cancer Risk Factors as well as comments on Prevention of Prostate Cancer are summarized on this page. Please note that not all risk factors as well as prevention suggestions are equally applicable to initial prostate cancer occurrence and to prostate cancer recurrence.