Coalition History

North Texas Prostate Cancer Coalition (NTxPCC)

North Texas Prostate Cancer Coalition (NTxPCC) is based upon a website created in late spring of 2008. The original purpose of this website was to communicate monthly events of local prostate cancer support groups and of other events related to prostate cancer. By the end of 2008, seven support groups within the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex had joined: Man-to-Man, FW; Us TOO Baylor/Dallas, Us TOO Baylor/Plano, Us TOO Medical City/Dallas, Us TOO Presbyterian/Dallas, Man-to-Man at Medical City/Plano and Us TOO Mid-CitiesAt a first meeting on February 17, 2009, the members agreed to work as a coalition, pursuing three programs as the main projects for the first year of the Coalition. 50 Hoops (Dallas) joined in December 2011, followed by Man-to-Man, UT Southwestern. Current members are listed on the “About US” page.


An organizational meeting was held on October 21, 2009 resulting in the election of three (3) Directors, as required for the filing of incorporation with the State of Texas. The Directors were Tom Dillon, Justin Sucato and Wolfram Blattner. Current Officers and BoD members are listed elsewhere. NTxPCC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Currently, NTxPCC does not have a paid staff.  All officers are survivor volunteers or former medical personnell. 

In addition to expanding existing programs, NTxPCC is involved with Health Fairs and started a survivor-manned face-to-face chat at the Cancer Resource Center in Fort Worth.  

Working Towards a Coalition

Three programs were picked initially to be implemented.

A Speakers’ Bureau

This program provides basic information and insights on the importance of early detection in a presentation to social organizations. The program was implemented in April 2009 and is also used in support of screening programs.

Working Groups

This program was designed for men in “like stages” (diagnosed, after treatment, recurring, men on hormone treatment, etc.). It became obvious that survivors are better served through programs integrated with the Speakers Bureau.

Screening Support

 Survivors need to get involved as volunteers for screening events to be available to answer questions from attending men as most men have no idea about prostate cancer. 

The Speakers' Bureau

Three programs were picked initially to be implemented.

Awareness and Education Presentation.

A presentation is available specifically for social groups to get men and their loved ones familiar with the benefits of early detection and screening, risks factors and other aspects of prostate cancer. The presentation is updated frequently and reviewed by a medical advisor.

Long Term Survivor Program

The Long Term Survivor program was implemented to better serve fellow survivors with specific emphasis towards men who are the most underserved: the newly diagnosed. In addition to workshops and classes specifically addressing newly diagnosed men, we created a list of long-term survivors willing to share their personal experience with their own treatments and side effects.

A Speakers’ Bureau

This program provides basic information and insights on the importance of early detection in a presentation to social organizations. The program was implemented in April 2009 and is also used in support of screening programs.

Let’s Talk on Tuesday

Similarly, we offer a survivor chat (Let’s Talk on Tuesday … about Prostate Cancer) where survivors – newly diagnosed, newly treated or recurring – can meet with LTS members face to face. This group meets every Tuesday, 10 am-2pm and has been an award-winning program at Harris Hospital in Fort Worth.

Combined Speaker program

The Long Term Survivor program was implemented to better serve fellow survivors with specific emphasis towards men who are the most underserved: the newly diagnosed. In addition to workshops and classes specifically addressing newly diagnosed men, we created a list of long-term survivors willing to share their personal experience with their own treatments and side effects.

Yearly Prostate Cancer Symposium.

In 2011 we started our Yearly Prostate Cancer Symposium. Over the years, we were able to feature prostate cancer specialists such as Drs. Alan Partin (Johns Hopkins), Mark Moyad (Univ. Michigan) and John Davis (MD Anderson) and highly regarded local specialists such as Drs. Fulgham, Nemunaitis, Courtney, Hirsch, Bevan-Thomas, Sagalowsky and Sucato; prominent survivors included Baseball Greats David Dravecky (SF Giants) and Ken Griffey Sr. (Cincinnati Reds) as well as Dr. Wendy Harpham and author Robert Hill.

Screening and Health Fair Support

Support programs for Screening and Health Fair Support are very similar.

Screening Support

The program was implemented to support screenings at Dadfest, the Men’s Health Days at Baylor  Hospitals, the Cruisin’ for a Cure Carshow and other events at Medical City/Dallas, Medical Center of Plano, TH Presbyterian/Plano, Texas Oncology/Fort Worth, Richardson Methodist and some smaller events. A temporary decision by the USP Task Force stopped screenings at most of these events, but has picked up again recently especially in Fort Worth: The Wheels for Wellness Carshow, the FW Stock show; screening will be added this year at the Pate Swap Meet. The largest screening event in 2019 undoubtedly will be Tarrant County’s Health Lives Matter event. This will include a 1 hour presentation about prostate cancer followed by screening offered to about 300 men. Combining a presentation with follow-up screening is the best answer to the risk of the screening vs early detection controversy.

The Screening Support program has met its initial goals :

a) Flyers for screening events are available and were distributed; 

b) A sufficient number of volunteers was made available for all screening events; this allowed quick answers to guys waiting in the screening lines: the 

     average guy attending a screening has no clue about prostate cancer;  

c) multiple presentations on Early Detection of Prostate Cancer were provided during several screening events; presenters were Tom Dillon, Wolfram 

     Blattner, Val Herrera and Justin Sucato.

Health Fair Support

Just during 2018 alone, NTxPCC attended 16 health fairs within the DFW Metroplex.The difference to screenings is that we have a lot of females approaching our tables, getting info on their loved ones.

Poster Program

Coalition programs can’t do without the assistance of flyers, posters and brochures.

In addition to flyers passed out for screening support and a flyer advertising coalition capabilities, a brochure entitled “Get Educated About Prostate Cancer” as well as information on Coalition program was printed and distributed to physicians working at hospitals affiliated with our Coalitions. A second brochure entitled “What You Should know About Prostate Cancer” provides basic prostate cancer information. These brochures are also available in Spanish. The Coalition flyer (PDF) is available to be distributed by any member of our support groups.