Fort Worth Prostate Cancer Support Group

Upcoming Events



Meeting ID:  97192188748  

Password: 385342

Or iPhone one-tap (audio only):

        US: +13462487799,,97192188748#  or +16699006833,,97192188748#


Meeting location: FW Cancer Resource Center

Klabzuba Tower at THR Harris, first floor

1300 W Terrell Ave, Suite 100 Fort Worth

There is a Zoom option – maybe the last hybrid meeting option.


Fort Worth Prostate Cancer Support Group moved from the Moncrief building to the Klabzuba Tower at THR Harris, FW. This group has been active for more than fifteen years. Its members share a variety of prostate cancer treatments. Facilitator of this group is Gayle Wilkins. Gayle is an experienced radiation-oncology nurse.
Members of the group are also actively involved in community events such as health fairs, speaking engagements and volunteer services at screening events. Currently they are staffing the award-winning “Let’s Talk on Tuesday … About Prostate Cancer” face-to-face survivor chat at the Klabzuba Tower at Texas Health Methodist Hospital in Forth Worth. Serving the Community!


Monthly Support Meeting

Every 3rd Monday, 7:00-8:00 pm

January, February, March meetings are virtual (Zoom)


Let’s Talk on Tuesdays

Every Tuesday, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

1300 W Terrell Ave, Suite 100 

Fort Worth, TX

Klabzuba Tower at THR Harris, 

On first floor in FW Cancer Resource Center


Note: Masks are still required!


Facilitator: Gayle G. Wilkins, MSN, RN, OCN; 817-250-1868, GayleWilkins@texashealth.org

See main page for meeting information.